
These posts are about new features provided to you in the Jigsaw blog starter template.

July 29, 2022

Fuse Search

To provide fast, local search of your blog, this starter template comes with a pre-built Vue.js component that uses Fuse.js. Fuse.js is a "lightweight fuzzy-search library with no dependencies." It...


July 26, 2022

Mailchimp Newsletters

Mailchimp is a fantastic marketing platform, and takes the pain out of managing email lists and campaigns. The blog starter template comes with a beautiful pre-built newsletter form, that only needs...


July 24, 2022

Custom 404 Pages

This starter template includes a custom 404 Not Found error page, located at /source/404.blade.php. To preview the 404 page, you can visit /404 in your browser....
